Style & Facilities
In Taekwondo we emphasize separate, but equal qualities of technique.
This includes auditory, visual, tactile, logical, and having your techniques flow in a distinct rhythm.
This demonstrates a student’s ability to clear their mind, and focus on the task at hand.
Proper Execution
Students are expected to demonstrate techniques with accuracy and proper movement.
To ensure a healthy person, we train our students to have a healthy body, but to also balance that with a healthy and productive mind.
Performing movements, speed is the basis for all of Tae Kwon Do. Using our speed and body manipulation, we turn our bodies into our main form of self-defense.
While focusing mainly on speed, we also emphasize the importance of power behind your techniques.
Automatic Reflex
When in a troubled situation we have no time to think about what to do. In Tae Kwon Do we train students to automatically know what to do in these situations so that they can protect themselves, their friends and loved ones more effectively.